Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is The
Naughty Slayer? The Naughty Slayer is an
archive for adult Buffy the Vampire Slayer /Angel the
Series fan fiction featuring Buffy and Angel. 2. What do you
mean by ADULT? By ADULT, we mean stories that
are explicit and are not appropriate for children. Many of
the works here feature graphically portrayed sex. Fiction
here is generally on an NC-17/X level, corresponding to the
MPAA guidelines. 3. What if I
don't want to read about Buffy and Angel having a sexually
explicit relationship? Then you are absolutely in the
wrong place. May we suggest Anya's excellent archive at 4. Do you women
have lives? Or are you just net.geeks? Do not annoy Archivists. Bad
Things will happen. Jenny Calender annoyed us. Need we say
more? If you feel the need to learn more about us, go to 6. How do I
submit my Buffy/Angel fic? You don't. The archive is
closed to submissions.
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