Keep my heart turning

AUTHOR: Lady Raven

DISCLAIMER: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss Whedon. Lyrics are from 'Drive' on the CD of the same name by Bic Runga (don't ask me why her parents called her that).

CONTENT: consensual sex m/f [Buffy/Angel]

SPOILERS: An American Slayer in Paris.

SUMMARY: Replaces 'Anne'. Buffy and Angel return to Sunnydale, and prepare to face the world again.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Second in the 'Blame it on Lex' series (the first to be written after I decided to make a series out of it), takes place between 'AasiP' and 'Dead Man's Party for two'.

* I know it's late now
* I know I ought to go

All of Sunnydale was quiet as they drove through the streets. Less than twenty minutes before dawn, not even the vamps were stirring.

Buffy sighed as she looked around the streets of her hometown. It all looked so peaceful. She felt a moment's regret that Sunnydale wasn't really as calm as it looked right now. But the feeling passed quickly. If it had been as tranquil as it looked, she would never have come here. She would never have met Angel, never loved him. And that would be intolerable.

* Ride in your car now
* But please don't drop me home

"What's wrong, love?" Angel asked softly. Buffy turned to see him, driving the hire car they'd picked up at LAX. They had originally planned to stay at Chateau Marmont for the day, then take a bus home, but Buffy had been gripped by a sudden longing to be home as soon as possible, to see her mother and the Scooby Gang.

"I was just thinking how glad I am to have you in my life," Buffy smiled. "Angel? Don't drop me off at my house yet, I'll go later today." He nodded in acknowledgement, and Buffy smiled as she gazed at him.

For some reason, Angel looked even more gorgeous this morning. Maybe it was because they would be parted soon. It wouldn't be permanently; they would continue to see each other, continue to be lovers. But now their summer in Paris was over, she wouldn't sleep in his arms for a long time. Wouldn't stir in the hour before dawn, to find him wrapped around her protectively. Wouldn't wake in the morning to his kiss or his lovemaking, before he truly went to sleep for the day.

* My head's so heavy could this be all a dream

Suddenly overcome with the need to feel the lines of his body against hers, Buffy undid her seatbelt and slid across the old-fashioned front seat to nestle against him. She laid her head on Angel's shoulder, and he kissed the top of her head, before returning his attention to the road.

Buffy yawned, a combination of jet lag and having slept little on the eight-hour flight. The early-morning peace took on a dreamlike quality, the dim light of the false dawn adding to the effect. She thought <if I died right now, I would be completely happy.>

* Promise me maybes and say things you don't mean
* Rain fall from concrete coloured skies

She closed her eyes, only opening them when the first drops of rain fell on her head. She realized that Angel had parked right in front of the entrance to his basement apartment, and got out as Angel put up the convertible's top. The dreamy mood dissipating as the rain started to pelt her, she and Angel hurriedly dragged her bags and one of his out of the trunk and made a run for the door. Angel swiftly unlocked it, and they tumbled down the hall and into his apartment, softly laughing the whole way.

They dropped the bags in a heap next to the door, and Buffy shook herself to get rid of the loose raindrops. She slid out of her jacket and hung it next to Angel's, on one of the hooks on the back of the door, leaving her in a tank top. She turned and caught the considering look that Angel was giving her, and giggled, "Don't you ever stop?"

"Do you?" Angel shot back, smiling.

Buffy shook her head, and opened her arms. Angel slid into them, wrapping his arms around her in return. He hugged her tightly for a few seconds, burying his face in her hair, before sweeping her up in his arms. Buffy had noticed that he seemed to really like doing that, and she certainly wasn't complaining.

Angel carried her across the apartment that they would share in a year, to gently lay her on the couch. He stood, unbuttoning his shirt. He was sliding it off, when an idea seemed to occur to him. He smiled at her, then turned and pulled up the blind.

Buffy sat up swiftly, saying in horror, "Angel, no-"

Angel was just fine though. As Buffy remembered to start breathing again, Angel told her, "What with the rain, there isn't enough direct sunlight to hurt me. I want to see the shadows of the rain on your skin."

Touched more deeply than she thought, Buffy just smiled, lay back on the couch and held out a hand to him.

* No boy don't speak now
* You just drive
* Drive

Angel clasped her hand in his own, bringing it to his lips for a gentle kiss, before sitting on the edge of the couch beside her. He twisted to face her feet and unlaced her sneakers, gently tugging them and her socks off. She'd dressed casually; it didn't do much good to dress fancy on an airplane. Besides, Angel thought that she was beautiful no matter what, and she didn't care about impressing anyone else.

* Drive
* Take me through make me feel alive
* Alive

As he undid the waistband of her loose pants, Buffy felt his fingertips brush her skin and she swiftly inhaled from the tiny sparks of lightning sensation dancing through her. It still amazed her how responsive her body was to him; just the slightest touch left her shivering with need. The lightest kiss left her aching for him all over.

She never felt so alive as when she was with the dead man she loved.

* When I ride with you
* When I ride with you

Angel heard her heart pound as his fingertips brushed her skin, and smiled. He'd never stop being grateful that she loved him and wanted him so much. He'd never stop being amazed at how good it felt, to press his coldness against her warmth. To bury his cool flesh inside her molten body. Now, just the thought of it was enough to make him hard.

He peeled her tank top off, and Buffy half lifted her upper body and raised her arms to help him, before laying back and opening her legs slightly in invitation. Angel smiled in reply and bent his head to kiss her stomach, feeling the hard muscles flex at his touch.

* Keep my heart turning on axles around you

"I love you," he murmured. It had become easier to say over the summer, but he still didn't say it lightly. Perhaps he never would. It did give him a distinct thrill to see the way her eyes glowed or softened whenever he told her.

"I love you too," Buffy replied, and Angel could swear that he felt his heart swell. It never ceased to amaze him that Buffy loved him, and he knew that he would never cease to be grateful for it. She was everything to him.

He stood to kick off his boots and pull off his black jeans, taking his boxers down as well. He couldn't take his gaze off Buffy, lying on the couch in only her underwear. She was his forever now, as he was hers.

* Keep our love burning just like it used to do
* Now just for us, they play our favorite tune

He noticed the remote for the stereo lying on the coffee table next to him, and kept his eyes on Buffy's face as he bent to pick it up. He'd had the electricity turned on a few days ago, and he still remembered the CD he'd left in there last...

Smiling, he pointed the remote at the stereo. He turned it on, and set one particular song to play repeatedly. It was one of their favorites; he still thought it personified the early part of their relationship.

As the first bars of Sarah McLachlan's 'Possession' wafted over them, Buffy smiled. She sat up to take off her black bra then lay back to strip off her matching underpants. As she kicked them off her foot she wiggled her hips, and Angel growled playfully as he dropped his body onto hers.

* Let's not discuss all the things we can't undo

Angel nuzzled her neck, feeling his fangs start to lengthen, brought on by his intense desire. Buffy yelped in surprise as he pricked her and Angel was immediately contrite.

"I'm sorry, so sorry I hurt you-" he started.

Buffy just laid a finger on his lips, and told him, "No more sorries, remember? We talked about this. Whatever mistakes we made, whatever sins we committed in the past, we've paid for them. We don't apologize any more, we just say 'I love you'. We don't talk about the things that we can't change, we just work to improve the future."

Angel nodded. Without Buffy's love and support, his guilt over his actions after the change probably would have driven him to suicide months ago. He accepted that he would never be able to be objective over his actions as a demonic vampire; he trusted Buffy's judgement in this over his. No matter how much she loved him, she was too good a Slayer to be biased in his favor.

* Let rain fall from concrete colored skies

Just as he thought, when he gazed at Buffy's naked body, the raindrops running down the windowpane were shadowed onto her skin. He gently kissed along the dark line wavering on her throat, then traced the shadow-raindrops along her body with his lips.

When he reached her breasts, he used his tongue instead, making Buffy writhe beneath him until she nearly tipped them off the couch. Smiling, Angel flicked the tip of his tongue over one nipple, then the other, making her gasp and buck her hips up to his.

* No boy don't speak now
* You just drive

He could hear her heartbeat pound harder, and the smell of her arousal increase. Knowing that this would probably be their last time to make love for several days made them both even more aware of and sensitive to each other. Angel flicked his tongue over each of her nipples in turn once more, and knew it wouldn't take much.

He pressed his lower body against hers, and Buffy opened her legs wider in response. He slid into her in one smooth, easy stroke, and Buffy quivered as her orgasm took her, her muscles convulsing around his shaft.

Despite their arousal, he could tell her orgasm was more sweeping than violent, and knew that this time wouldn't be hard or fast.

* Drive
* Drive, speed me through make me feel alive

Angel lowered his head and kissed her between her breasts, over her heart. Buffy moaned, and he nearly joined her. He started moving in slow, deep thrusts, and Buffy lifted her hips with each stroke to take him deeper, until he felt that their souls could touch.

He could have done this forever; watching Buffy's beautiful, glowing face beneath him, the shadow-raindrops dancing over her skin. The satin glide of her skin against his, her liquid heat surrounding his icy erection, the slow, sweet pressure building, the need for release swelling like a gathering storm.

Every touch was a silent 'I love you', and eventually Angel was overcome by the need for the final joining. The way he could taste her feelings in her blood.

Angel slid a hand between their bodies, finding her clit with the ease of long practice. He stroked her until she moaned and came again, gently but no less totally for that. As her inner core clenched him once again, he let his face shift and gently sank his fangs into her throat.

* Alive
* When I ride with you

Angel groaned as Buffy's blood flowed down his throat, leading to his climax. Nothing made him feel so whole as Buffy's love and their physical expression of it. Nothing made him feel so alive as her blood, the taste of the love, the passion and the power that was so wonderfully, uniquely her.

Trembling slightly with the intensity of the aftershocks, Angel shifted in small movements so they wouldn't fall, until he was on his back and Buffy lying on top of him.

As Buffy sighed, resting on him, Angel settled so that she could lie comfortably, and smiled as he fell asleep. Buffy loved him, and she had sworn herself to him, as he had to her. Whatever obstacles came in their way, they would overcome them.

As he drifted away he could hear Buffy's heartbeat, slowing as she too fell asleep, beating in rhythm with the falling rain.

* Let rain fall from concrete coloured skies
* No boy don't speak now you just drive.

When Buffy woke up, it was early afternoon. She slid off Angel, her body feeling a little spasm of mourning at the loss of his, like always. She'd become accustomed to it. She found a relatively clean blanket and covered him with it. After she'd dressed, she bent and kissed him gently, whispering, "I love you."

Angel smiled in his sleep, and she smiled in return. She silently walked to the pile of bags next to the door and picked up the single duffel that she'd taken with her when she'd left Sunnydale. Taking one last look at Angel, she slipped out the door.

Walking through the streets of Sunnydale, Buffy took deep breaths. She'd loved Paris, and she and Angel had already made plans to return next summer, but she had missed this place. She turned onto Revello Drive and started to walk faster, hoping her mom would be there. By the time she reached the house, she was almost running.

As she raised her left hand to knock on the door, the large diamond on her ring finger caught the light, flashing from it's inlaid setting in the platinum band. Grimacing at the narrow escape, Buffy tugged her silver claddaugh and then the platinum band off, feeling a twinge of loss.

She slipped the claddaugh back on, and dropped the diamond in her pocket, raising her hand again and knocking. As she dropped her hand by her side, she swore that she could still feel the presence of the ring on her finger.

Joyce yanked open the door, and mother and daughter stared at each other for a second. Then Joyce opened her arms, and Buffy fell into them, not even trying to stop the tears in her eyes.




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